COLETANCHE bituminous geomembrane installation advices
The COLETANCHE geomembrane is compatible with most substrates: it adapts to ground movements and differential settlements.
❶ Laying rolls of Coletanche waterproofing geomembrane


A manual or hydraulic beam is used to unroll a COLETANCHE membrane. Installing it is straight forward and can be done by a small specialised team.
❷ Welding of the waterproofing membrane

Manual welding is achieved with a gas or hot air torch. The protective film must be removed from the overlapping zone.
❸ Anchoring and joining the membrane

COLETANCHE can also be directly welded to concrete substrates. Its flexibility offers easy welding solutions on worksites:
- Connection on metal manhole head,
- Other types of membranes,
- PVC pipes,
- Metal poles.
❹ Quality control of the waterproofing membrane
- A range of quality control procedures and testing are available to designers
- The appropriate quality control will depend on the specifics of the project
Get in touch with our technical engineers to discuss installation quality control options


COLETANCHE can be used under many different cover materials:
- Asphalt ;
- Concrete and interlocking paving stones ;
- Rocks and gabions ;
- Railway Ballast ;
- COLETANCHE can be used under other geomembranes made with different materials.
On site technical assistance
We provide efficient technical assistance on site to answer your needs and expections, from the beginning to the end of the project :
Recommendations, installation instructions.

Special equipment for COLETANCHE installation..

For welding teams, by COLETANCHE technicians..

By ultra sound tests or by means of a vacuum bell jar..