Coletanche® is a unique bituminous based waterproof geomembrane. Manufactured by Axter, a wide range of products ensure that all civil engineering needs can be met, including resistance to different chemicals and sources of pollution etc.

In 2001, it is the beginning of modernisation work of the production tool on the Courchelettes Factory: the installations and industrial processes are completely refurbished and bring the production capacity to more than 30 million m²/year; this leads the company in 2006 to further expansion work and to the installation of a new line intended for the manufacture of COLETANCHE geomembranes. The latter are directly aimed at civil engineering and major works thanks to its unique design: its width of 5.1m.
Coletanche main applications
With more than 20,000,000 m² of COLETANCHE® laid worldwide, the bituminous geomembrane manufactured by Axter is nowaday an emblematic solution for civil engineering structures. Its high performances and its adaptability to every type of climate and environment conditions make it a unique solution for multiple applications:
- Environment protection: solid and liquid waste confinment, platforms for bottom ash or composting green waste, etc.,
- Hydraulic (dams waterporoofing, water reservoirs, ponds confinment, canals),
- Transport (ditches, roads, railroads…).

Coletanche internationally
Axter – Coletanche has more than 40% of its turnover to more than 50 countries in the European Union, Africa, the Middle East, Asia, North and South America and French overseas departments and territories.